The Mask You Can Trust
What is “The Mask You Can Trust”
It is a project of Masterpiece, the European Association of Traditional Tailoring Professionals, where so called “Mask Makers” get the opportunity to offer their own, personal interpretation of a Mask and enable it to be come a real fashion accessory. We have to live with the mask for a long time, we shall make the best out of it!It has become a challenge to keep traditional tailoring appreciated and recognised, and to attract young people to undertake professional training in this area.
The traditional tailoring professionals are the bearers of a unique heritage. They have the skills to make an item of clothing from scratch, according to the individual measurements of a single customer and fully customise it to her or his requirements. They are the roots and the origins of the clothing industry.
With this project the team of Masterpiece, would like to offer to all the small ateliers, traditional tailors, couture’s for women, shoe and accessory makers, the opportunity to become what we call a “Mask Maker” and offer on this platform their own interpretation of what this – allow us to say – quite “boring” thing that is a mask.
At the same time the “Mask Makers” get visibility, a reminder to the public that there are still local artisans that can manufacture themselves high quality and fashionable garments and accessories.